Getting a Partner Visa in Dubai, UAE: Cost | Benefits

partner visa in Dubai

Dubai is surging in its importance as a coveted spot for global business travellers. The remarkable infrastructure, stable economy and friendly business environment make this city the central hub business across the globe. However, getting this partner visa for Dubai, give you an exceptional opportunity to invest and grow as company owner. This is indeed a successful pathway to become established quickly.

We will explore in-depth about the prerequisites, application procedure, and advantages of a partner visa in Dubai in this post. We will walk you through every stage of starting a business and getting a partner visa in Dubai, so you can start down this exciting journey of business expansion.

Dubai Partner Visa Benefits

partner visa in Dubai

Obtaining a partner visa in Dubai offers a number of benefits for foreign entrepreneurs, such as the following:

Ownership and control:

Through the partner visa in Dubai, foreigners can own and control significant part of a company. It is mandatory to highlight that the presence of a local partner company is necessary, even though if he owns at least 51%. This still allows foreign entrepreneurs to play an active role in the management and direction of the organization.

Access to International market

Dubai serves as a center for global trade and a point of entry into markets throughout the Gulf and beyond. As a result, international business owners may access a wide range of fast expanding markets and a worldwide network of business contacts by establishing a commercial presence in Dubai via a partner visa.

A welcoming climate for business:

Similarly, Dubai boasts first-rate infrastructure and a welcoming business climate. The city provides a dependable judicial system, transparent corporate regulations, a robust communications network, and contemporary infrastructure. In this way, each of these elements helps to build the conditions necessary for businesses to start out and flourish. Personal and corporate tax exemption:

For its part, this emirate offers an attractive tax regime for entrepreneurs. In this sense, there is no personal income tax, nor capital gains tax. This means that business owners can enjoy greater retention of their profits. Furthermore, Dubai also offers a favorable corporate tax policy which can result in a lower tax burden for companies.

3 years Residence Visa Dubai

Obtaining a three-year residency in the UAE is permissible for the one who holds a partner visa in Dubai. Furthermore, this residence offers advantages and opportunities for those who wish to establish a long-term presence in Dubai. Below, we will present some important aspects of the three years of residence granted to partner visa holders in Dubai:

Stability and security:

Acquiring a three-year residency gives endless stability and security to the partner visa holder in Dubai. This boosts them to build a long-term presence in the emirate and take advantage investment chances in the region.

Freedom of movement:

During the three-year residency period, partner visa holders are free to enter and exit the UAE without restrictions. Therefore, this makes it easy to manage international business and participate in business trips seamlessly.

Access to services and benefits:

Partner visa holders can have access to a number of services and benefits in Dubai if they obtain a three-year residency. Among the facilities are government services, health care, education, medical insurance, open a bank account, and other social and community services.

 Long-term investment opportunities:

This property gives a stable foundation for individuals who are looking to invest and modify their commercial activities in Dubai. Likewise, owners of partner visas may establish a strong commercial presence in the city and take advantage from long-term investment prospects.

Encourage Members of Your Close Family:

Holders of a Dubai partner visa may also be eligible to sponsor members of their immediate family to become citizens of the United Arab Emirates, in addition to the benefits already mentioned.

Along with this, spouse and children of the partner visa owner are allowed travel and stay in Dubai together by applying for their residency. We will now go over some of the perks of sponsoring members of your immediate family:

Family reunification:

Holders of partner visas are able to go to Dubai with their wives and kids if they are an immediate family sponsor. The opportunity like this one is beneficial for the one who wants to improve his and his family’s lifestyle. However, this enables you to experience the luxuries of life in Dubai.

Access to Services and Benefits:

By sponsoring their immediate family members, partner visa holders provide them with access to services and benefits in Dubai. In this sense, this includes quality healthcare, education, government services, and other services.

Quality Education:

Dubai is a home to famous educational institutions that provides high-quality academic programs. Therefore, partner visa holders can provide them with access to world-class education by sponsoring their children and academic development openings.

Family Stability:

The ability to sponsor immediate family creates a stable and cohesive family environment. Living together in Dubai allows family members to support each other and enjoy family life in a safe and prosperous environment.

Travel to GCC Countries Easily:

Facilitating travel to the Gulf Cooperation Council member nations is another advantage of having a Dubai partner visa (GCC). Similarly, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman, and Qatar comprise the GCC. Here are some examples of how simple it is to visit various nations from Dubai if you have a partner visa:

No limitations on Travel:

As for partner visa holders in Dubai, they often have unfettered travel flexibility throughout the GCC nations. This implies that you won’t encounter many major obstacles when travelling to and exploring nations like Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, Oman, and Qatar.

Business Opportunities:

The ease of travel between GCC countries is especially valuable for entrepreneurs and partner visa holders in Dubai. Therefore, they can take advantage of business opportunities and establish business contacts in different markets in the region without facing significant obstacles in terms of travel.

Enriching cultural experience:

Each GCC country has its own cultural identity and offers a variety of unique experiences. As a Dubai partner visa holder, a person can enjoy the ease of traveling and exploring these different cultures, including the architecture, cuisine, traditions, and natural landscapes of each country.

Chances of acquiring UAE Golden Visa

A United Arab Emirates (UAE) Golden Visa is the additional perk that can be availed by the individual who has Partner visa in Dubai. The Golden visa is defined as the long-term residency commitment that is accessible for the eligible individual. Moreover, it comes with plenty of benefits that are mentioned as follows:

Long-term Stay:

The Golden Visa gives the permission for the long-term residency in UAE, allowing partner visa holders to stay in the country for a long period. This way, the period of residency can be changed but can be up to 5 or 10 years, according to the category and relevant criteria.

Flexibility and Freedom of Movement:

Golden Visa holders have the freedom to enter and exit the UAE without limitations and enjoy extra movement compared to other visa categories. Moreover, this makes it easier to manage international business and contribute in business trips seamlessly.

Benefits for the family:

For its part, the Golden Visa can also be extended to the holder’s immediate family, allowing spouses and children to obtain long-term residence in the UAE. This creates a stable family environment and makes life in Dubai easier for the whole family.

Investment and business opportunities:

For business owners wishing to make investments and grow their businesses in the United Arab Emirates, the Golden Visa might be a useful tool. In this way, holders of partner visas may create a strong commercial presence in the nation and benefit from long-term investment prospects by getting the Golden Visa.

Partner Visa in Dubai Requirements

partner visa in Dubai

These are the requirements and rules necessary to obtain a partner visa in Dubai:

Setting up a company in Dubai:

The one who is interested to get a partner visa in Dubai must be the owner of the company or a partner in already existing business.

Meet financial requirements:

The applicant for this visa must meet minimum financial requirements, such as equity capital, to qualify for the partner visa. For its part, financial requirements may vary depending on the nature and size of the company.

Demonstrate experience and skills:

It is essential that the applicant showcase relevant experience and skills to the field they wish to participate as a partner in the company. However, this will lead to submitting a resume, academic and professional certificates. Any other documentation that supports the necessary skills shall be provided as well.

Comply with legal and safety requirements:

Applicants for the partner visa in Dubai must comply with the legal and security requirements set by the UAE government. This includes submitting criminal records and complying with the country’s laws and regulations.

Submit documentation and forms:

Similarly, must complete the application forms and provide the demanded documentation. This includes a valid passport, recent photographs, and a business plan.

Partner Visa in Dubai: Procedure Step-by-Step

Below, we will provide you with a general step-by-step procedure to obtain a partner visa in Dubai:

Research and planning:

The applicant should understand the legal, financial, and business needs to found a company in Dubai and acquire a partner visa. Therefore, the applicant must state the type of business they want to establish. Also, ensure that they comply with the relevant law and regulations.

Company establishment:

The applicant for this type of visa must cater to the mandatory steps to build their company in Dubai. This includes keeping the company name, obtaining an appropriate business license, and submitting the necessary legal documents to the authorities. This process needs the guidance of a local sponsor or a corporate services company.

Gather documentation:

The applicant of the partner visa in Dubai should compile all the required documents. This comprises of a copy of the passport, recent photographs, resume, academic and professional certificates, bank statements, and business plan.

Submission of the application:

Subsequently, he or she must submit the partner visa application along with all the required documents to the competent authorities in Dubai. He or she must also ensure that he or she completes all application forms accurately and provide the correct information.

Processing and approval:

Once the application has been submitted, processing and evaluation by the relevant authorities will continue. In this sense, this may involve reviewing documents, verifying information, and in some cases a personal interview.

Obtaining the Partner Visa:

If the application is approved, the applicant will receive the Dubai Partner Visa. This may involve the issuance of a single or multiple entry visa, with a specific duration depending on applicable regulations.

Cost of Dubai Partner Visa

There are several factors that affects the partner visa cost in Dubai and are must to take into consideration. The type of visa, length of stay and administrative fees at the time of applying are included among the aspects. However, we will break down the effect of each below.

Application fees:

When applying for a partner visa in Dubai the applicant will likely be required to pay a processing fee. The application fee will vary depending on the length of stay.

Visa fees:

In addition to the application of the Dubai partner visa cost, the applicant must also pay the fees for the visa itself. In this sense, these rates may also vary depending on the length of the stay. Long-term visas generally have higher fees than short-term visas.

Processing fees:

Additionally, the applicant must pay additional partner visa Dubai cost for processing services and other administrative charges. These fees may include document processing, background checks, and other services.

Now, in general terms, the total partner visa cost in Dubai varies between AED 1,000 and AED 10,000, that is, between US Dollars 275 and US Dollars 2,750.

Dubai partner visa cost in AED:

Between AED 1,000 and AED 10,000.

Dubai partner visa cost in US Dollars:

Between US Dollars 275 and US Dollars 2,750.


Now establishing a business in the UAE or setting up your career is made easy with the partner visa. It is foolproof gateway that reveals the endless facilities offered by Dubai. From it’s the rich culture to the world-class wonders, every spot in this city contributes to the lavish lifestyle you dream to have. However, following this way, you are sure to spread your business across the globe and get the benefit of diverse economy.

A Partner Visa enables the applicants to get the perks for themselves as well as their immediate family members. Apart from this, avail the residency for the longer run and freedom of travelling internationally. Grow your business in the enormous economy with the help of this visa.

For individuals who wish to take advantage of the city’s alluring business climate, this visa offers a special chance. This visa offers a strong basis for expansion and success in this emirate for both legitimate startups and well-established companies.

This visa provides the ideal balance of stability, quality of life, and business prospects. Thus, this visa takes you closer to a sustainable and successful future in Dubai. This will be your best pick to have if your objective is to launch a business presence in the Middle East.

In addition, attaining a partner visa in Dubai makes it necessary to comply with all relevant rules and regulations, including paying the partner visa Dubai charge.

It is essential to conduct thorough research, understand the qualifying requirements, and retain legal and professional assistance in order to ensure a smooth procedure.

Now, if you want to obtain a partner visa in Dubai, you must go to The Freelancer Gate. Likewise, if you want to hire our services like freelance visa in Dubai, and all over the UAE, you can contact us now!

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