Legal Obligations and Rights: Freelancer Protections Under Dubai Law

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Firstly, we should know that we as freelancers are subject to the Legal obligations of freelance professionals in Dubai and rights, all of which may vary according to our work and visa status agreements, but independently we have a wide range of Dubai law that support us.

In this article we will look at some of the Dubai law that can help us with our work permits, legal agreements, problem-solving, due payment for our services, and our main intellectual property rights, so let us see what we can do to enforce and comply with each of the Dubai law.

Legal Status of Freelancers in Dubai

Freelancing in dubaiWe should know that the Dubai labor laws for freelancers guarantee compliance with local regulations. Let us review these permits and laws to be able to work optimally and have the benefits that the Dubai law can provide us as domestic workers, let us see some examples.

  • Freelancer Permits: Freelancers usually obtain permits or visas to work legally as freelancers.
  • Contractual Agreements: We usually have contractual agreements with our clients, which outline the scope of work, payment terms, and time frames, among other important terms. This serves to protect the rights of both parties.
  • Taxes: Remember that we are also subject to taxes on our income, depending on our state of residence and the nature of our profit.
  • Intellectual Property Rights: We retain intellectual property rights over our work. As long as we clarify those terms in the contract.
  • Commercial licenses: It is possible to obtain commercial licenses in conjunction with Dubai law. This is important for Freelancers operating as sole proprietors.
  • Labor regulation laws: We are entitled to fair treatment stipulated in the Dubai law including working hours, rest periods, and health and safety standards.
  • Dispute resolution: In addition, we may seek solutions to disputes with clients through negotiations, or any mediation or legal action through courts or competent authorities.

Legal Protections for Freelancers

Let us not forget that we have Protecting freelance workers under Dubai regulations, which are backed by the Dubai law which guarantees us a fair and competent working environment. Let us review what are these Protecting freelance workers under Dubai regulations:

  • Freelancer Visa: We can obtain a 5-year visa that allows us to work and live in the emirate. This gives us recognition and allows us to be legally inside the country.
  • No taxes: As freelancers, we are not subject to paying taxes as we are not subject to audits.
  • Freelance license: We have a license that allows us to sponsor ourselves to obtain an Emirati ID, bank account, and freedom to live and work.
  • GoFreelance Program: This program also allows us to become freelancers in various free zones. It costs AED 7,500 and must be renewed every year.
  • Labor Rights: We are entitled to fair and timely payment for our work.
  • Employment contracts: We can establish employment contracts with our clients. These should include rates of pay, delivery date, and other important information.

Contractual Agreements

Freelancer contract regulations in Dubai are fundamental for us, since we establish the terms and conditions of our work, protecting our rights and obligations. Let us take a look at some important considerations about agreements under Dubai law:

  • Clear Contracts: We must establish a clear and detailed contract with our client. Protecting their rights and ours.
  • Contract Template: In addition, we have 19 free contract templates for UAE startups and compresses, to facilitate the commercial movement. We can use these templates as a starting point for our contracts.
  • Legal Framework: There are several legal frameworks we can choose from such as sole proprietorship, limited liability company, and free zone company.
  • Licenses and permits: We must obtain self-employment licenses in Dubai to operate freely. The type of our license will depend on the services we offer.
  • Dispute resolution: Our contracts must include procedures for dispute resolution. This may include mediation, arbitration, or another method of resolution. To follow the Freelancer contract regulations in Dubai.

Payment Guarantees

We can also use strategies to protect our payment for our work to maintain financial stability and take care of our business interests. Let us see what we can use to our advantage:

  • Payment terms: We should stipulate in the contract the payment terms, amount, and terms or milestones.
  • Online payment system: We can use online payment apps such as PayPal, to facilitate payment.
  • Deposit in advance: We can request an initial payment in advance to note the compliance of the payment.
  • Payment reminders: We should send payment reminders to our customers. This helps us to speed up the payment process.
  • Legal advice: we can also seek legal advice to assert our rights and legal options in case of any mishap.

Dispute Resolution Mechanisms

In Dubai we have several mechanisms to resolve our disputes as freelancers and to enforce our Dubai law. Here are some of the options we have for you:

  • Direct Negotiation: We can discuss and work together to find a mutually acceptable solution.
  • Mediation: We can involve the intervention of a neutral third party, whose objective is to facilitate communication between both parties.
  • Arbitration: We also have arbitration, which is more formal than mediation, in which we present the case before a neutral arbitrator who issues a decision.
  • Small Claims Courts: If we cannot opt for the courts to resolve our dispute. They are usually the best option because of their low cost and efficiency.
  • Civil Litigation: In major cases, we can opt for civil courts in Dubai. Which translates as a formal lawsuit and following a judicial process to resolve the dispute.
  • Online Dispute Resolution: We can opt for online platforms that specialize in problem resolution.

Tax Obligations and Compliance


As a Freelancer we have certain tax obligations that we must comply with to operate legally and not get into trouble with the tax authorities. You must take these terms into account:

  • Tax Registration: We must register with the relevant tax authorities in Dubai law.
  • Corporate Tax: We are also subject to a full 9% corporate tax rate. It applies to our annual profits and is payable annually. However, it only applies if our income exceeds AED 375,000 per year.
  • No Tax Returns: We are not required to file tax returns or maintain accounts.
  • Federal Tax Authority: The FTA, is a government entity established in 2016. which is in charge of collecting and enforcing corporate taxes so you should be aware of their laws.

Access to Legal Support

Access to Legal Support
Finally, Legal rights for independent workers in Dubai have a variety of legal resources and support to help us solve legal problems and protect our rights. Also, to assert ourselves as workers in Dubai laws let us see what these Legal rights for independent workers in Dubai have:

  • Lawyers and law firms: We have a wide variety of law firms that can help us in legal areas.
  • Freelance license: It allows us to issue contracts, and invoices and get access to various legal benefits.
  • Legal Services Portal: This portal ensures that financially disadvantaged people can access free legal services.
  • Shoor Program: We also have a free legal consultation program where law firms provide us with legal and voluntary consultations.
  • Legal Clinic: This service provides free legal consultations to all Dubai residents.
  • Freelance legal advice: We also have another freelancer who provides us with Dubai labor laws for freelancers.
  • Chambers of Commerce: they offer us legal advice services, as well as resources and educational events on legal issues.

In conclusion, being a freelancer in Dubai benefits us in many ways, enforcing our Legal obligations of freelance professionals in Dubai and always supporting our growth as freelancers. we have a wide range of laws and benefits to be able to develop effectively in our work environment.

Remember that if you want advice and learn more about these issues you can visit our blog, or if you prefer to talk to us, you can do it at, we will be waiting for you.

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