How to apply for a job in Dubai, UAE?

How to apply for a job in Dubai, UAE

In quest of better career opportunities and economic growth, immigrants usually move to Dubai. Jobs in Dubai are appealing because it is a global metropolis with a wide range of professional opportunities for foreigners. Yet, up to 90% of job applicants in the UAE have their applications rejected in the first stage and never hear from the hiring manager for a variety of reasons. The most prevalent of which is that the applicants’ CVs are improperly constructed.

In this article, we will be discussing how to get job in Dubai; plus, how a poorly written CV can affect your search. Let us observe:1. Learn about why most resumes do not get to hiring managers

jobs in dubai

Many firms in the UAE are reportedly utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) techniques to sift through the hundreds of CVs that are submitted by potential candidates every day. As a result, there is a chance that applicants’ CVs will not reach the appropriate person or position if they do not prepare, display, and email them. As a result, the job search will be unsuccessful.

The majority of firms choose the most qualified applicants for the position using software, UAE recruitment services, or internal recruiters. Hence, it is the responsibility of the applicant to make sure that their resumes are given top priority.

People do not spend the time to specifically adapt each application to the job in order to stand out from the competition because it is so easy to apply for jobs in today’s world. They may include or highlight more pertinent skills in the form of keywords in their CV; consequently, enabling technology or a recruiter to recognize this and prioritize the job application letter.

Candidates should take the effort to find out who the recruiter or hiring manager handling the opening is and customize their covering letter for job application to them rather than just clicking and submitting the CV.

2. Know some tips to create a good CV

jobs in dubai

The initial point of contact that you have with your possible new employer is your CV. Therefore, candidates should break down the content into bullet points to make it easier to read and present it in a concise manner. Use our ideal tips below to know how to make cv for job and obtain jobs in Dubai:

2.1 Begin with your name, address, and phone number

Include the primary means of contact that potential employers can use to get in touch with you at any time. Ensure to present the information concisely and make it stand out at the beginning of your resume. Also, provide a link to your most recent LinkedIn profile in your introduction.

2.2 Introduce yourself

Here is where you should summarize and emphasize the benefits you can provide a potential employer. Consequently, provide a brief summary of any professional achievements that will emphasize your accomplishments. Additionally, you should customize it for each position you submit to; this will set you apart from the competitors.

2.3 Summarize your skills

Include your specific experience and talents that are pertinent to the position in a few short bullet points. Hiring managers will swiftly skim this portion of your resume to gauge your qualifications for the position and what you can provide.

2.4 Highlight your experience

Your employment history, including any paid work, pertinent volunteer positions, or work experience placements, should be in this section in most recent chronological order. This part of your resume should be tailored to the position, paying particular attention to any essential duties from prior employment that would be relevant to your application.

2.5 Include achievements

Your CV is your chance to market yourself and explain why you are the ideal candidate for the position. Therefore, it is crucial to highlight any instances in which you went above and beyond or accomplished anything noteworthy.

2.6 Provide a list of your courses, training, and education

Initially, just include the most recent information that is pertinent or necessary for the position you are applying for. It is critical to highlight any areas in which you may have acquired new skills or can benefit the organization.

2.7 Provide references

If you feel more comfortable waiting until later in the hiring process to reveal your references, you are perfectly acceptable to list references are accessible upon request. It is essential to ensure you can reach them quickly and easily when necessary.


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